According to the laws of the State of Israel, any vessel that is 7 meters or more in length and at least half of it is Israeli-owned (by an individual or a company) must be registered in the vessel’s register – or in other words, have a boat license (רישיון שיט) – and pass a test called “sailing capacity” (Kosher Shait – כושר שיט).
In parallel to the concepts that everyone is familiar with, one can refer to it just like issuing a vehicle license, and passing a drivers test.
In today’s post we will go over the various definitions, explain when a sailing license, sailing fitness test or sailing certificate is required, and make sure you do not expose yourself to fines or other risks while enjoying marine activities that should generally be fun.
What is a Boat License ?
A boat license is a booklet that includes the details of the vessel, its composition and change of ownership. On each voyage of the vessel, it must carry a valid boat license, which is a certificate that the vessel is allowed to sail at sea. The licensing is issued by a body called RASPAN (Israel Shipping Authority) which is responsible for all marine vessels in Israeli territory.
The boat license document indicates the degree of the sailing certificate appropriate to its voyage.
Who Needs a Boat License?
Until 2013 it was possible to use an electric motor or sail an inflatable boat with a motor up to 6 horsepower without the need for licensing. The laws have changed, and now it is necessary to license any motorized vessel, even in cases where it is an engine external to the boat that is powered by fuel, electricity or any other means.

Sailing Ability – Kosher Shait (כושר שיט)
Sailing capacity is an examination in which the technical level of the vessel is checked, along with the presence of items that are required to be in it according to shipping laws in Israel and around the world.
- For private vessels, the periodic inspection will be performed once every two years.
- For commercial vessels, the periodic inspection will be performed once a year.
In light of the experience gained, the changes that have taken place and the legal implications, it was decided to install in the regulations the requirements for safety equipment for the various vessels. The conditions required for each type of vessel are listed on the Ministry of Transportation website, but in general there are some recommended items that are required to be in a vessel:
- 4 buoyancy vests for emergency boat sinking
- Anchor weighing 3 kg
- A smoke candle to mark help in case of emergency
- first aid bag
- Signal mirror
- Rope for a 70 meter long boat
- Fire extinguisher weighing 2 kg
You can usually buy all the equipment in a “Kosher Shait” kit. The complete list of equipment by type of vessel is in the full standard, available on the website of the Ministry of Transportation (In Hebrew).
Please note that the responsibility for the competence of the vessel and the presence of all items of equipment as required by the regulations applies in full to the owner of the vessel, but also to the operator of the vessel at the same time. Which means that even if the vessel is not officially yours, once you sail it you are responsible for the presence of all equipment needed.
A vessel that is stopped for inspection (in the Sea of Galilee, in the Mediterranean or in the Red Sea) and does not have a “Sailing ability” certificate from the directory of shipping can be fined, usually in the amount of several thousand shekels.
How Much Does a Sailing Ability Test Cost?
Like a car license fee, a fee must be paid for a Sailing ability exam. The prices, at the time of writing are:
- Basic fee for a general inspection – 256 NIS.
- Addition per kilowatt Engine power over 6 kilowatts – 4 NIS.
- Addition for each person that the vessel may carry over NIS 2-4.
- Extra per meter or part of a meter from the length of the vessel over 7 meters – 12 NIS.
Renewal of the sailing license itself costs another 188 NIS.
Please note that in addition there may be additional costs in cases of transfer of ownership, mortgage on the vessel and additional tests required depending on the type of vessel. All the full costs are published on the PA website, and it is recommended to review them before performing the process.

Sailing Licanse (Skipper License)
In addition to the sailing license and sailing ability certificate, the person sailing the vessel must also hold a “Sailing License” (Skipper License). If we go back to the example of private vehicles, if a boat license is a vehicle license, a periodic mechanical test is a sailing ability test – then the sailing license is basically our driver’s license.
By law, a person is not allowed to be in charge of the machinery of a small vessel unless he has a sailing license, and the sailing is done in accordance with the conditions and restrictions in the certificate. The certificate must be valid, and to be physically on the vessel when it sails.
The different categories of sailing licenses are:
- Mashit 11 – A Jetski, capable of carrying up to 3 people.
- Mashit 12 – Powerboat, motor boat for coastal sailing. a motorboat whose total engine power does not exceed 110 KW (approximately 150 horsepower).
- Mashit 13 – A motorboat that is up to 8.5 meters long, for a coastal cruise with no engine power limit.
- Mashit 20 – a chartered passenger boat for a coastal cruise.
- Mashit 21 – Sailing boat for coastal sailing within the framework of sports associations and marine schools.
- Mashit 30 – Ship to Coastal Cruise (this is basically the consent you get with the issuance of a skipper license).
- Mashit 40 – a chartered passenger ship with up to 55 passengers for a coastal cruise.
- Mashit 50 – A tugboat for a coastal voyage with an engine power or engines not exceeding 370 KW (approximately 500 horsepower).
- Mashit 60 – A ship for an international voyage.
Sailing Ability – In Summary
Is there anyone here that doesn’t want to just get on a boat, go out to sea and forget about their troubles?
Unfortunately this is not always possible, and we must act responsibly. Without proper licenses and a Sailing Ability test, trouble can find us precisely at a time when we are supposed to enjoy and relax.
Beyond the basic understanding that proper licensing and Sailing Ability testing is a necessary duty that keeps us and those around us safe and healthy, it just sucks to be stopped by an inspector or police officer and receive a large fine for lacking some forms. Try to avoid it, whatever the reason may be.
Anyway, hopefully we have made clear some of the terms and regulations. It is important to note that all the information written here is based on personal knowledge and should be seen as a recommendation – but in order to get official and complete information one should go to the sources authorized for this (Ministry of Transport, basically).
If there are any further questions we have not covered, write to us in the comments and we will try to answer or update the information in the post.
And until then, Bon Voyage!
I’m confused. My nephew holds a Mashit 13 boat license. The new power boat that he has purchased is 9m. I hold international power boat license. He wants us to take paying tourists out on the boat in Eliat to see dolphins and ect. Am I correct that we both need a commercial boat license
Hi Richard,
According to the information you provided it seems that Mashit 13 is not enough, and you probably need at least the Mashit 20 license, as the boat is larger than 8.5 meters.
I hold an international power boat license up to 10 meters. My question is as follows. Is it legal for me to take paying tourists out on his boat. I have duel citizenship/ British/Israeli. The boat is registered in Israel and has commercial insurance and is registered for commercial use up to 15 passengers
Generally, it seems fine, but it will probably depend on the type of license and whether the Israeli Ministry of Transportation accepts it or a local one is required. I really can’t say for sure, sorry.
Hello. Can i get an Israeli Skippers License by showing proof of a different license? Example RYA or ASA Yacht Master?
No, you cannot get an Israeli license based on an existing international one – but most of the international ones are acceptable also in Israel, so why should you?
Do you mean that an RYA license ( let’s say yacht master) would allow an Israeli citizen to legally sail here? No need to convert it or re- qualify?