A gas mask (known in Israel as NBC masks) is a respiratory protective device against the toxic gas present in the air, as a result of the activation of chemical or biological toxins or as a result of a malfunction that caused the release of toxic substances in civilian activity. Today we will discuss what gas mask does Israel uses – both the civilian population and the IDF.
In Israel, there are several types of respiratory protection devices, which are designed in case of an unconventional attack. The masks can be divided into two main categories – one civilian, and those dedicated to soldiers. In addition, there is also a large variety of masks used in the industry.
Civil Israeli Gas Mask
A simplex gas mask made of rubber, and equipped with straps that fasten it in front of the wearer, in such a way that the only option for air penetration is through the filter in front of it.
An M80 filter is installed on the front of the mask. This filter is also the filter used by all IDF forces.
In Israel, protective kits, including Simplex gas masks, were distributed to the public ahead of the Gulf War, in response to a statement by Saddam Hussein that he would fire chemical weapons on Israel (thankfully, an unfulfilled statement). In 2014, it was decided to stop the distribution of gas masks to the public, and in recent years the masks have been taken for refreshment. Following the start of the Syrian civil war which caused the dismantling of Assad’s chemical weapons stockpile, it was decided to stop issuing civilian masks, as the main threat to the use of chemical weapons on Israeli citizens was from Assad’s direction.

IDF Israeli Gas Mask
The IDF – Israel Defence Forces – is known for its innovation and high-tech military industries (Just see its crazy-looking helmets), so we can expect the IDF gas mask to be quite effective.
The IDF forces have three types of gas masks. The M15 mask is intended to be used by all soldiers, and the more specific “gold watch” and “Sapir stone” masks, which are intended for use by designated forces in the Engineering Corps and the Home Front Command which is in a higher risk to suffer from chemical or biological warfare. Both have a very similar structure.
Those masks contain a hood, designed to protect the entire face and neck, a blower, designed to flow clean air to the face of the mask, two M80 filters, which connect to the blower, a threaded pipe, which connects the blower to the mask, and a dedicated carrier for the blower.

Several types of filters are used in Israeli gas masks, with the most common filter being the M80. In addition, the IDF system also has an ABEK filter and a TEDA filter.
The process of purifying the air of toxins by the filter is done in three ways: filtration, adsorption of toxins, and chemical reaction. The filtration process is based, like a strainer, on the passage of air through a material where holes are so tiny that they do not allow the toxin molecules (larger than the air molecules) to pass through. The adsorption process takes place when the poisoned air flows through a substance with a chemical activity that absorbs the toxic substance.
Many filters use activated carbon, which is specially treated wood charcoal, which creates a very large amount of microscopic holes, which allow a large absorption area. As the air passes through it, the molecules of the toxic substance are absorbed in it and remain inside it.
Some filters use substances that bind to toxins, combine with them to form new, non-toxic molecules, or molecules that are too large to exit the filter. This detoxification method is designed for a specific toxin and requires the use of a different filter for each toxin.
M80 filter -Intended for filtering volatile and non-volatile nerve gas, and for filtering biological warfare.
ABEK filter – Intended for filtering volatile and non-volatile nerve gas, Ammonia and its subproducts, and for filtering biological warfare.
TEDA filter – Designed to adsorb radiological materials, uses a layer of activated carbon that has undergone special treatment to adsorb radiological particles.